Introduction to Graduate Anatomy Course: Notes 2023


  • The Human brain can really play with your mind
  • Kelly's Heroes - Oddball Negative Waves
  • Please do not question your decision to pursue this career path
  • The adults that you are - epiphany to save a life, time to raise a family and be a parent
  • You are not disadvantaged for having limited anatomical experience


  • Three days a week - just getting started
    • 9 - 11 formal lecture
    • 11-12 time frame for guests and review, I will highlight the preceding lecture according to your questions.
    • 1-5: Laboratory

Examinations - Much more than Assessment

  • Laboratory - 100 points, 50 tags of ID (Explain ID), Relationships (Brad Staton story)
    • Laboratory examinations are as much about furthering learning as they are about assessment. Relationships.
    • Brad Staton stories - Aortic arch aneurism, blindfolded while working on motorcycle engines
  • Essay - 100 pts, mostly written, hand written, tell a story, not about citing lists and tables, you are transitioning to another side of the equation.
    • Grading of the essays is logarithmic. Many ways to get 60% of the point value. Nearly impossible to get 100% of the point value.
    • Don't leave a blank page.
    • Look at previous examination keys.
    • Handwritten in class - AI, Cut/Paste, Wikipedia, Plagiarism
  • Passing the course versus staying in the graduate curriculum are not the same thing.
    • 60% of 800 points (480 pts) to pass the course.
    • Staying in the graduate curriculum requires passing with more than 60% of the possible points.

How to Study

  • This course is much more than rote memorization; you could take Stedman's Dictionary to the examination to no avail.
  • We are not here to teach you a list of facts from a book. We expect you to know this.
  • We are here to encourage you to correct and write the book. You are no longer students in the usual sense. You are colleagues.
  • In a few short weeks you will become critics. You will find "mistakes" in nearly everything you read.
  • Look at previous examinations. Not a cheap shot. Do it this weekend. Not the day before the examination. Get a feel for the depth.
  • We are not big on tables - study from tables, but on your examination; write about tables. Nothing worse than mixing up cell content and showing that you don't understand. Don't take the risk.
  • Drawings. We do not bias any favor toward artists. If you draw a figure; you must write the figure caption. Explain interposition. Best answers are often entirely prose.
  • Relationships, anatomy, and function.

Laboratory Decorum

  • Shared by others
  • We can, and shall, have fun within the confines of respectful and considerate behavior.
  • Please do not base your behavior on the behavior of others; you are models
  • No photographs, to photograph the whiteboard, take it into the hall, avoid anything that might trigger a scandal.
  • Truthfully, no cell phones, certainly no cell phones exposed to the room, vibrate and in your pocket, leave the room to answer, Official: no cell phones with cameras, thus, no cell phones.
  • No radios blaring, shared space, respect for the living and the dead.
  • No ear buds; especially during class time.
  • Hats? Respect. No hat police. I would hope that you do not.

The Text Book - Gray's

  • We must have a "bible." Gray's is the only book in print for a scholarly account of anatomy.
  • Drake and the preface of Gray's Anatomy for Students.
  • We will not lower your grade for citing wrong information in Gray's. Nonetheless, please put a priority on lecture material. For example, the urogenital diaphragm.
  • Give the Gray's account if you want but, if possible, contrast the account to the lecture account.

Clinical Faculty and Guest Lectures

  • They are giving up clinical hours and, in some cases, wages. For the 9 of us.
  • Please, turn cartwheels to attend the clinical lectures. There are only seven of you. Your absence can be embarrassing.
  • From a practical standpoint; the examinations are heavily biased by the subject matter presented by our clinical colleagues.
  • We will not test you on therapies proper.

Gross Anatomy Web Site.

  • Registration is currently open. I will close it once the six of you are registered.
    • Obfuscate if you want.
  • Please register in the next day or so.
    • Access to handouts and image database
  • Why is Google Mail not allowed for registration?
    • As an aside - FERPA
  • You can be anonymous on the message board

Typical Short Answer Question

  • Chronic reflux of gastric acid into the distal esophagus may lead to a precancerous condition known as Barrett's Esophagus. Discuss the anatomy of the distal esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter. Provide a brief account for the:
    • Arterial supply - derived from celiac trunk by way of lG and esophageal A.
    • Venous supply - esophageal varices
    • lymmphatic supply - metastatic disease apt to spread to celiac nodes.
    • nervous supply - parasympathetic by vagus, somatic by phrenic
    • Vertebral level - T10
    • anatomy of the lower esophageal sphincter - Barrett's
      • Not an anatomical sphincter
      • Right and left crus of diaphragm - predominately right
      • Phrenic nerve
      • Z line
Topic revision: r8 - 23 May 2024, LorenEvey
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