3. fundiform ligament; two layers of Scarpa's shelfed on either side of distal linea alba, deep to skin and Camper's
4. cremaster fascia; within inguinal canal, outermost fascia surrounding cremaster muscle, CANNOT be external spermatic fascia
5. scrotal ligament; adhered to Dartos Tunic
6. inferior epigastric artery; lateral to spermatic cord, within deep inguinal ring
7. ductus deferens; thick cordlike, in deep ring, lateral to inferior epigastric artery
8. artery to ductus deferens; in deep ring, br. from internal illiac artery
9. deep circumflex illiac artery; br. external illiac artery, under and lateral to genitofemoral artery as it approaches the inguinal ligament
10. external illiac artery;
11. transversalis fascia; inferior to arcuate line, contains inferior epigastric artery, inner lining of abdominal muscles
12. inferior epigastric artery;
13. conjoint tendon; medial to sup. ring, relationships mimicks course of direct hernia, medial to inferior epigastric artery
14. inguinal ligament
15. reflected inguinal ligament; medial to pubic tubercle, extension of ext. oblique apo. posterior boundary of superficial ring
16. round ligament; lateral to inferior epigastric artery
17. inferior epigastric artery
18. Scarpa's fascia; well differentiated memb. fascia, deep to Camper's in mona pubis
19. medial umbilical fold
20. median umbilical fold; apex of bladder???
PLEASE HELP EDIT. these are just examples, and are by no means correct or final...the whole point is to work through this together
and if anyone can figure out a better formatting...that would be awesome