Enters the axilla by way of the clavipectoral fascia
Axillary sheath
Surrounds the brachial plexus and axillary artery (axillary vein?)
Evagination of the prevertebral fascia
Axillary artery
From first rib to inferior border of teres major, divides into 3 parts by anterior relationship of pectoralis minor
Six branches of the axillary artery
Superior thoracic artery
Provedes first and second intercostal spaces
Thoracoacromial artery
Branches: acromial, deltoid, pectoral, clavicular (acromial and deltoid branches contribute to shoulder anastomosis)
Lateral thoracic artery
Usually off axillary artery (can arise from subscapular or thoracodorsal arteries, runs along thoracic wall about 1-2 inches anterior to long thoracic nerve
Subscapular artery
Terminates as the circumflex scapular (scapular anastomosis) and thoracodorsal arteries
Posterior humeral circumflex artery
Passes through quadrangular space
Can arise from subscapular artery
Shoulder anastomosis (ascending branch of deep brachial artery)
Anterior humeral circumflex artery
Passes anterior surface of surgical neck of humerus
Shoulder anastomosis
May arise from common trunk with posterior humeral circumflex artery
Brachial Plexus
Cords of the brachial plexus (see the "M" (lonely posterior cord is left out))
Lateral cord (3)
Lateral pectoral nerve
Lateral root median nerve
Musculocutaneous nerve
Medial cord (3) (This count of 3 does not include the two purely sensory nerves - medial brachial and medial antebrachial cutaneous nerves)