Trapezius - understand how trapezius effects upward rotation of the scapula
Serratus anterior - vertebral border and inferior angle of trapezius (contributes to upward rotation
Latissimus dorsi - origin from thoracolumbar fascia, insertion at inferior angle scapula and at the humerus
Rhomboideus major - origin from spines of T2-T5, insertion on vertebral border of scapula, action is retraction
Rhomboideus minor - origin from spines C7-T1, insertion on vertebral scapula near superior angle, action is retraction and elevation
Levator scapulae - origin from transverse processes of C1-4, insertion on superior angle of scapular, action is elevation
Relations of levator scapulae - lateral: spinal accessory nerve and (superficial branch) transverse cervical artery
Relations of levator scapulae - medial: dorsal scapular nerve (nerve to the rhomboids) and dorsal scapular artery (deep branch of transverse cervical artery)
Intermediate muscles of the back
Serratus posterior superioris - inhalation
Serratus posterior inferioris - exhalation
Ventral rami of spinal nerves
Deep muscles of the back
Splenius capitis - deep to trapezius, from nuchal ligament (spines of C7-T6) to lateral occipital bone and mastoid process, inserts immediately inferior to superior nuchal line
Splenius cervicis - stops short of skull to insert on transvers processes of C1-C4
Semispinalis capitis - from upper thoracic transverse processes to occipital of skull between superior and inferior nuchal lines
Greater occipital nerve - passing posterior through the semispinalis muscle at the level of the axis
Erector spinae - three muscles arising from common tendon on posterior sacrum
Spinalis lateral to vertebral spines and anterior to transverse processes
Longissimus - immediately lateral to spinalis
Iliocostalis - origin at posterior iliac crest and insertion at the angle of the ribs
Appreciate that the transversospinalis muscles (multifidus, rotatores, semispinalis) are cradled by the vertebral spines and the transverse processes
Dorsal rami of spinal nerves provide motor and sensory innervation