Course Description. The Biomedical Statistics ANAT 597 provides the student with a foundational knowledge of basic statistics. This foundation of knowledge enables to the student to adapt to the statistical requirements of their specific research. In addition, this course provides instruction for using R/RStudio to perform statistical analysis and data graphics display. A coordinated combination of lecture topics and laboratory exercises address descriptive, population, and non-parametric statistics.
Examinations. The are two examinations; a mid-term and a final. Each examination is worth 100 points; 50% of 200 total points available for the course. Essay style questions are crafted from lecture topics and laboratory exercises. Each examination is two hours long.
Attendance. Recommended. Pending the individual's assessment for the merit of attendance in their particular case. It may become awkward if the two examinations are not attended.
Statistics software: R and RStudio. Please install R/RStudio on the personal computer that you routinely bring to class. We will be using R/RStudio at the most basic level. R/Rstudio Desktop is free and is compatible with Windows, MAC, and Linux. R must be installed before installing RStudio. RStudio is a computer desktop application that facilitates access to the functions of R.
Install R Base System for your operating system from the following link (There is no need to install source code).