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(19 Nov 2014,
Laboratory Identifications: A Study Guide for the Cranial Nerve Handout with the Skull in Hand
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Olfactory Nerve (CN1)
Optic Nerve (CN2)
Oculomotor Nerve (CN3)
Trochlear Nerve (CN4)
Trigeminal Nerve (CN5) - Ophthalmic Division
Trigeminal Nerve (CN5) - Maxillary Division
Trigeminal Nerve (CN5) - Mandibular Division
Abducens Nerve (CN6)
Facial Nerve (CN7)
Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN8)
Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN9)
Vagus Nerve (CN10)
Accessory Nerve (CN11)
Hypoglossal Nerve (CN12)
Olfactory Nerve (CN1)
Functional component(s)
Cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
Anterior cranial fossa to nasal cavity
Crista galea
Falx cerebri
Foramen cecum
Anterior cranial fossa to nasal cavity, superior sagittal sinus
Ethmoidal air cells
Anterior ethmoidal nerve
Frontal air sinus
Optic Nerve (CN2)
Functional component(s)
Optic canal
Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
Chiasmatic groove
Anterior lip of chiasmatic groove
Boundary between and anterior and middle cranial fossa
Anterior clinoid process
Diaphragma sellae
Internal carotid artery
Sella turcica
Tuberculum sellae
Hypophyseal fossa
Dorsum sellae
Ophthalmic artery
Central artery of the retina
Nasocillary nerve
Annulus tendineus
Oculomotor Nerve (CN3)
Functional component(s)
Superior orbital fissure
Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
Cavernous sinus
Carotid siphon
Superior division
Inferior division
Ciliary ganglion
Annulus tendineus
Trochlear Nerve (CN4)
Functional component(s)
Superior orbital fissure
Cavernous sinus
Annulus tendineus
Ethmoidal air cells
Trigeminal Nerve (CN5) - Ophthalmic Division
Functional component(s)
Superior orbital fissure
Annulus tendineus
Lacrimal nerve - functional component proximal and distal, distribution
Parasympathetic communicating branch
Frontal nerve - medial and lateral branches,
Supraorbital nerve, distribution
Supratrochlear nerve, distribution
Supratrochlear nerve - relationship the the trochlea, distribution
Nasociliary nerve - relationship to optic nerve, distribution
Sensory root of ciliary ganglion, elaborates branches of short ciliary nerves
Long ciliary nerves - GSA cornea
Short ciliary nerves - Native and non-native functional components, distribution
Posterior ethmoidal nerve - distribution to posterior ethmoidal air cells and sphenoid sinus
Anterior ethmoidal nerve - distribution and pathways leading to the bridge of the nose
Infratrochlear nerve - relationship to the trochlea, distribution
Anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina
Trigeminal Nerve (CN5) - Maxillary Division
Functional component(s)
Foramen Rotundum - middle cranial fossa to pterygopalatine fossa
Transmits maxillary nerve
Pterygoid Canal - middle cranial fossa to pterygopalatine fossa
Transmits the nerve of the pterygoid canal (Vidian nerve)
Anterior lip of the lacerate foramen
Carotid groove
Sphenoid air sinus
Nerve of the pterygoid canal - functional components and parent nerves, distribution
Hiatus of the canal for the greater superficial petrosal nerve
Groove for the greater superficial petrosal nerve (VII)
Intracranial opening of the carotid canal at the lacerate foramen
Internal carotid plexus
Deep petrosal nerve
Apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone
Pharyngeal Canal - pterygopalatine fossa to nasopharynx
Transmits pharyngeal nerve to nasopharynx, native and non-native functional components, distribution
Ala of the vomer
Vaginal process of medial pterygoid plate
Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone
Palatovaginal canal (pharyngeal canal)
Lesser palatine canal - pterygopalatine fossa to oral cavity
Transmits lesser palatine nerve to soft palate, native and non-native functional components, distribution
Medial pterygoid plate
Hamulus - tensor veli palatini
Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone
Greater palatine canal - pterygopalatine fossa to oral cavity
Transmits greater palatine nerve to hard palate, native and non-native functional components, distribution
Sphenopalatine foramen - why so named?
Sphenopalatine foramen - pterygopalatine fossa to nasal cavity
Transmits lateral posterior nasal nerves and nasopalatine nerve to nasal cavity, native and non-native functional components, distribution
Superior, middle, and inferior nasal chonchae (turbinates when covered with erectile tissue)
Superior, middle, and inferior nasal meatae and associated drainages
Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
Uncinate process, ethmoidal bulla, infundibulum, and hiatus semilunaris
Sphenoethmoidal recess - drainage of sphenoid sinus, posterior air cells
Inferior orbital fissure - pterygopalatine fossa to orbit
Greater wing of the sphenoid bone and the maxilla
Transmits maxillary nerve and zygomatic nerve to the orbit
Infraorbital nerve - native and non-native functional components, distribution
Zygomatic nerve - native and non-native functional components
Zygomaticofacial nerve - native and non-native functional components, distribution
Zygomaticotemporal nerve - native and non-native functional components, distribution
Canals for the zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial nerves
Lacrimal nerve (from ophthalmic division of trigeminal) - native and non-native functional components, distribution
Infraorbital groove, infraorbital canal, and infraorbital foramen
Middle superior alveolar nerve, native and non-native functional components, distribution
Anterior superior alveolar nerve, native and non-native functional components, distribution
Pterygomaxillary fissure - pterygopalatine fossa to infratemporal fossa
Anterior border of the lateral pterygoid plate and posterior border of maxilla
Transmits posterior superior alveolar nerve, native and non-native functional components, distribution
Transmits terminal branches of maxillary artery
Trigeminal Nerve (CN5) - Mandibular Division
Functional component(s)
Foramen ovale - transmits mandibular nerve from middle cranial fossa to infratemporal fossa
Auriculotemporal nerve
Functional components - native and non-native
Otic ganglion
Postganglionic parasympathetic and sympathetic non-native components
Foramen spinosum and middle meningeal artery
Splits around middle meningeal artery
Posterior to mandibular fossa
Anterior to external auditory meatus
Infratemporal fossa to parotid region to temporal fossa
Communicating branch
Stylomastoid foramen and facial nerve
Deep temporal nerves
Functional components
Infratemporal crest
Zygomatic arch
Temporal fossa
Inferior alveolar nerve
Functional components
Sphenomandibular ligament
Mandibular foramen
Inferior alveolar processes
Mental foramen
Mental nerve - distribution
Tensor tympani nerve - functional component and function
Bony auditory tube
Tegmen tympani
Masseteric nerve
Functional component
Mandibular notch
Nerve to mylohyoid
Mylohyoid groove
Mylohyoid muscle - origin and insertion
Mylohyoid line
Anterior and posterior belly of digastric - origin and insertion
Digastric fossa
Digastric groove
Tensor veli palatini - origin and insertion
Scaphoid fossa
Hamulus of medial pterygoid plate
Midline raphe
Lingual nerve
Functional components - native and non-native
Lateral pterygoid muscle - origin and insertions
Medial pterygoid muscle - origin and insertion
Pterygomandibular raphe
Superior constrictor
Chorda tympani
Petrotympanic fissure
Occlusion plane
Buccal nerve
Functional component
Pterygomandibular raphe
Masseter - origin and insertion
Abducens Nerve (CN6)
Functional component(s)
Annulus tendineus
Superior orbital fissure transmits abducens from the middle cranial fossa to the orbit
Cavernous sinus - vulnerable to injury by infection
Lateral rectus
Two heads of origin span greater and lesser wings of sphenoid bone, transmit abducens nerve
Ciliary ganglion
abducens nerve on internal surface
Lacrimal nerve external and superior
Facial Nerve (CN7)
Functional component(s)
Internal auditory meatus
Transmits facial nerve from posterior cranial fossa into the petrous temporal bone and proximal facial canal
Genu of the facial canal - Wait for temporal bone demonstration
Geniculate ganglion
Greater superficial petrosal nerve - functional components
Hiatus of the canal for the greater superficial petrosal nerve
Transmits greater superficial nerve from the facial canal to the middle cranial fossa
Groove for the greater superficial petrosal nerve
Guides the greater superficial petrosal nerve toward the lacerate foramen
Opening of the carotid canal into the middle cranial fossa
Apex of the petrous portion of the temporal bone
Superior petrosal sinus
Inferior petrosal sinus
Basilar venous plexus
Emissary vein between cavernous sinus and pterygoid venous plexus
Trigeminal cave
Trigeminal ganglion
Dorsum sellae
Internal carotid plexus
Deep petrosal nerve
Posterior boundary of the cavernous sinus
Carotid siphon
Posterior opening of the pterygoid canal into the region of the lacerate foramen at the anterior lip of the lacerate foramen
Stapedial nerve in the middle ear - wait for temporal bone dissection demonstration
Petrotympanic fissure
Transmits chorda tympani nerve from the middle ear to the infratemporal fossa
Functional components of chorda tympani - joins lingual nerve within infratemporal fossa
Petrous part of temporal bone
Tympanic cavity
Mandibular fossa
Mandibular condyle - appreciate relationship of the petrotympanic fissure to the temporomandibular joint
Inferior alveolar processes - appreciate relationship of lingual nerve to the submandibular duct
Stylomastoid foramen
Transmits the facial nerve from the distal facial canal to the parotid region
Digastric groove - posterior belly digastric muscle
Styloid process - stylohyoid (CN7), styloglossus (CN12), and stylopharyngeus muscles (CN9)
Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN8)
Functional component(s)
Internal auditory meatus
Transmits vestibulocochlear nerve from posterior cranial fossa into the petrous temporal bone
Superior, middle, and inferior semicircular canals (wait for temporal bone demonstration)
Bony labyrinth
Spiral ganglion
Vestibular ganglion
Mastoid air cells - Wait for temporal bone demonstration
Sigmoid sinus
Middle ear
Auditory tube
Ossicles of the middle ear - Wait for temporal bone demonstration
Tympanic membrane
Chorda tympani nerve
Oval window
Round window
Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN9)
Functional component(s)
Jugular foramen
Tympanic canaliculus
Recurrent tympanic nerve
Tegmen tympani
Tympanic plexus - functional components
Hiatus of the canal for the lesser superficial petrosal nerve
Lesser superficial petrosal nerve - functional components
Groove for the lesser superficial nerve
Observe the groove heading toward either foramen ovale or toward foramen spinosum
Foramen ovale (or spinosum)
Transmits lesser superficial nerve from the tympanic cavity to the infratemporal fossa
Vagus Nerve (CN10)
Functional component(s)
Jugular foramen
Transmits vagus nerve from posterior cranial fossa to the base of the skull
Mastoid canaliculus
Transmits GSA of auricular branch of vagus
Jugular ganglion (superior vagal ganglion) supports GSA cell bodies
Accessory Nerve (CN11)
Functional component(s)
For our purposes we are treating trapezius and sternocleidomastoid as SVE innervated despite the writings of some authors who suggest otherwise.
Jugular foramen
Transmits the accessory nerve from posterior cranial fossa to the base of the skull
Hypoglossal Nerve (CN12)
Functional component(s)
Hypoglossal Canal
Transmits hypoglossal nerve from posterior cranial fossa to the base of the skull
Transverse to occipital condyle
Condylar canal - emissary vein
Longitudinal to occipital condyle
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Topic revision: r1 - 19 Nov 2014,
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