A 51 year old male presents to the Free Clinic with complaints of neck pain and feeling short of breath.\xA0 He states he had a toothache two weeks ago and had some swelling on his lower left jaw.\xA0 He took some Tylenol with minimal relief.\xA0 Over the last 24 hours, he has had fever and chills, some difficulty swallowing and swelling in his neck.\xA0 On exam, his temperature is 103 F, he is tachycardic, with a blood pressure of 100/60.\xA0 He appears acutely ill and when asked to lay back he refuses since doing so makes him feel like he can't breath.\xA0 Exam of his mouth shows his tongue to be elevated and posteriorly displaced.\xA0 He has multiple deep cavities in his teeth.\xA0 His neck has firm edema, is warm and tender to the touch.\xA0 On auscultation you hear a high pitched noise (stridor) in his neck but not in his lungs. An x-ray of his teeth shows an apical abscess on the lower left second molar.
Discuss the spaces defined by the cervical fasciae. Include boundaries, contents, relationships, lymphatic drainage, and significance. (12 pts)
Cervical Investing Fascia Attachments and Specialization
- from posterior cervical spines (nuchal ligament)
- envelopes trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles
- envelopes strap muscles
- envelopes parotid gland (parotid fascia) and submandibular gland
- superior limits - mandible anterior, scalp posterior
- inferior limits - sternum, clavicle, acromion, vertebra prominens
- creates a continuous collar (carpet)
Pretracheal Visceral Fascia Attachments and Specialization
- surrounds the cervical viscera - thyroid gland, trachea, esophagus, recurrent laryngeal nerves
- posterior: buccopharyngeal fascia (named part of pretracheal visceral fascia)
- superior limit - thyroid cartilage
- inferior limit - superior/anterior mediastinum
Prevertebral Fascia Attachments and Specialization
- surrounds the intrinsic musculature of the cervical vertebral column
- attached to the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae
- partly covers splenius capitis, levator scapula, scalene muscles, longus colli, longus capitus, anterior vertebral bodies
- superior limit - base of skull near pharyngeal tubercle
- inferior limit - continuous throughout thorax
- alar layer of prevertebral fascia - second layer of prevertebral fascia attached to transverse processes, border for "danger space"
- diverticulum of prevertebral fascia at interscalene triangle forms the axillary sheath
- space defined by axillary sheath is continuous with space defined by prevertebral fascia
- anesthesia of brachial plexus could block phrenic nerve - watch out for bilateral effects!
Spaces Defined by Cervical Fascias
- pretracheal space - defined by the collar of pretracheal fascia
- from thyroid cartilage to superior mediastinum
- retropharyngeal space - defined by pretracheal visceral fascia (buccopharyngeal fascia part) and prevertebral fascia
- extends from the pharyngeal tubercle to the posterior mediastinum (where alar fascia blends with visceral fascia)
- especially important for considerations of spread infection
- infections can enter this space through compromise of the buccopharyngeal fascia (the "throat")
- danger space (prevertebral space) - between alar layer of prevertebral fascia and prevertebral fascia
- from base of skull (pharyngeal tubercle) and extending inferiorly throughout the thorax
Lymphatic Drainage
- Submandibular and submental nodes
- Retropharyngeal nodes
- Lateral and medial cervical nodes
- Deep cervical nodes
- Spread of infection - lower molars, pharynx, tonsils
- Dispersion to superior and posterior mediastinum
- Airway obstruction - Ludwig's angina