Questions for the Clinical Correlate: Lower Extremity - E. R. Bollard, MD, DDS, FACP
These questions were not submitted by the lecturer.
August 18, 2010
A crushing injury to the sustentaculum tali damage the tendon of flexor hallucis longus, spring ligament, deltoid ligament, tibial nerve, lateral plantar nerve, medial plantar nerve, posterior tibial artery, lateral plantar artery, and the medial plantar artery.
The anterior cruciate ligament resists anterior displacement of the femur on the tibia.
An area of burning numbness that defines the distribution of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is expected to cross dermatomes.
The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve crosses the anterior surface of the sartorius muscle immediately inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine.
Nerve entrapment is expected to cause cross dermatomal numbness.
Radiating pain caused by herniated disc is expected to be dermatomal.
Varicella (shingles) is expected to be dermatomal.
The horizontal and vertical group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes receive lymphatic vessels following with the external pudendal, superficial circumflex iliac, superficial epigastric, and great saphenous veins.
August 2009
The anterior drawer sign assesses the integrity of the posterior cruciate ligament.
The anterior cruciate ligament limits anterior displacement of the tibia..
The anterior cruciate ligament limits anterior displacement of the femur
Valgus stress mimics abduction of the leg.
Varus stress mimics adduction of the leg.
Forced abduction of the leg may lead to injury of the medial collateral ligament, anterior cruciate ligament, and the medial meniscus.
A patient draws an oval area of paraesthesia along the lateral aspect of the thigh. This is apt to be a spinal nerve injury because multiple dermatomes are crossed.
Shingles has dermatomal cutaneous representation. Thus, the virus migrates along a spinal nerve distribution, not a peipheral nerve distribution.
The superficial inguinal lymph nodes drain into lymph channels that pass through the femoral canal.
Lymph channels that travel with the short saphenous vein drain into the popliteal lymph nodes.
A superficial infection of the lateral dorsal foot may lead to a weak posterior tibial pulse as well as a weakened dorsalis pedis pulse.
The hip is "easier" to become dislocated when in a seated position (auto accident).