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Nervous System Development - Learning Objectives and Study Questions


True/False - October 10, 2011

  1. The notochord has a key role in activating differentiation of the the nervous system.
  2. The brain develops in relation to the first 5 somites.
  3. The dorsal roots are derived from the neural crest.
  4. Postpartum brain growth is mostly due to neuronal proliferation.
  5. The optic nerve is, arguably, an extension of the central nervous system.
  6. The eye develops as a structure of the diencephalon.
  7. The optic stalk is a precurser of the optic nerve.
  8. Surface ectoderm and neural crest cells combine to form the cornea.
  9. The peripheral nervous system is mostly from neural crest cells.
  10. The parasympathetic ganglia of the head are derived from neural crest cells.
  11. The cranial nerve sensory ganglia are derived from neural crest cells.
  12. The sympathetic postganglionic cell bodies are in ganglia derived from the neural crest cells.





key Access Control:

-- LorenEvey - 10 Oct 2011
Topic revision: r1 - 10 Oct 2011, UnknownUser
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