Pharyngeal Apparatus and Craniofascial Development

Questions for the Pharyngeal Arches

These questions were not submitted by the lecturer.

True/False - October 06, 2011

  1. The second pharyngeal arch gives rise to the muscles of mastication.
  2. The trigeminal nerve grows into the first pharyngeal arch.
  3. The superior laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal nerves grow into the 4th and 6th pharyngeal arches respectively.
  4. The split innervation of the digastric muscle reflects contributions from the first and second pharyngeal arches.
  5. The tympanic membrane is at the fusion of ectodermal and endodermal layers.
  6. The transition from arch one to arch two occurs within the region of the middle ear.
  7. The muscles of facial expression are derived from the second pharyngeal arch.
  8. The stylopharyngeus muscle is the sole muscle derived from the third pharyngeal arch.
  9. The fourth and sixth pharyngeal gives rise to the cartilages of the larynx.
  10. The superior, middle, and inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles are derived from the 4th and 6th pharyngeal arches and innervated by the vagus nerve.
  11. The sensory and motor innervation of the tongue is accounted for by the proximity of the tongue to the pharyngeal arches.
  12. A thyroglossal duct relates the thyroid gland to the foramen cecum.
  13. Maxillary and mandibular swellings are from arch one.
  14. The incisive foramen represents an incomplete fusion of the palate shelves from the maxillary prominence at the midline.





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-- LorenEvey - 06 Oct 2011
Topic revision: r1 - 06 Oct 2011, UnknownUser
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