Essay - Handwritten Prose. 10 Points.
-Essay Question #1: A 101 year old arrives at the ED with a knife wound at the level of the umbilicus.
Discuss layers of the anterior abdominal wall (lateral to the linea alba) a knife would pass through on its way to abdominal viscera at the level of superior to the arcuate line, and contrast that to layers inferior to the arcuate line.
-Essay Question #2: Cirrhosis of the liver causes portal hypertension.
Discuss the anatomical basis for caput medusae.
True/False. 0.5 Point Each.
- The arcuate line is where all aponeuroses become deep to the rectus abdominis.
- Inferior to the umbilicus on the anterior abdominal wall, the tela subcutanea is composed of a fatty layer named Scarpa's fascia and a membranous layer named Camper's fascia.