These questions were not submitted by the lecturer.
The vertebral arteries pass through the intervertebral foramen of the axis before passing through the anterior atlantooccipital membrane to enter the suboccipitial triangle.
The vertebral artery has a horizontal orientation as it crosses the arch of the axis.
Tthe trapezius and the deltoid muscles both arise from the clavical and the scapular spine.
The brachial plexus passes through the interscalene triangle with the subclavian artery but not with the subclavian vein.
The dorsal scapular artery often arises from the first part of the subclavian artery.
The trapazoid and conoid ligaments make up the coracoacromial arch.
The lumbar vertebral body is intermediate in size compared to the cervical and thoracic vertebral bodies
The lumbar articular facets resist anterior/posterior displacement.
The cervical facet plane is primarily coronal whereas the lumbar facet plane is primarily sagittal.
Osteophytes of the facet joints my extend into the intervertebral foramen.
The size of the intervertebral foramina is partly determined by the thickness of the intervertebral disk.
The anatomical neck of the humerus defines the articular margin.
The humeral head, after an inferior dislocation, comes to rest anterior to the joint and posterior to the coracoid process.
The rotator cuff muscles are 4 in number, 3 inserting on the lesser tubercle and one inserting on the greater tubercle.
The radial head articulates with the trochlea of the humerus.
In supination the radial tuberosity faces anterior.
Throwing a football stresses the medial collateral ligament of the elbow moreso than the lateral collateral ligament.
The lateral part of the elbow joint is more susceptable to compression injuries that is the medial part of the elbow.
Intervening between the distal ulna and the triquetrum is an articular disk that limits adduction at the wrist joint.
The lunate articulates distally with the capitate and proximally with the radius.