Human Gross Anatomy - Laboratory Identifications for Abdomen, Pelvis, and Perineum

Laboratory 14 - Abdominal Cavity

[ SBMP ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] [ 15 ] [ 16 ] [ 17 ] [ 18 ] [ 19 ] [ 20 ]
  1. Parietal peritoneum
  2. Visceral peritoneum
  3. Intraperitoneal
  4. Retroperitoneal
  5. Lesser omentum
  6. Greater omentum
  7. Diaphragm
  8. Falciform ligament
  9. Ligamentum teres
  10. Gallbladder
  11. Stomach
  12. Greater curvature
  13. Lesser curvature
  14. Esophagus
  15. Spleen
  16. Small intestine
  17. Large intestine
  18. Right colic flexure
  19. Left colic flexure
  20. Phrenicocolic ligament
  21. Transverse mesocolon
  22. Cecum
  23. Appendix
  24. Ascending colon
  25. Transverse colon
  26. Descending colon
  27. Teniae coli
  28. Haustra
  29. Appendices epiploicae
  30. Sigmoid colon
  31. Sigmoid mesocolon
  32. Rectum
  33. Duodenum
  34. Jejunum
  35. Ileum
  36. Pylorus
  37. Hepatogastric ligament
  38. Hepatoduodenal ligament
  39. Hepatic artery
  40. Portal vein
  41. Bile passage
  42. Duodenojejunal junction
  43. Suspensory ligament of Treitz
  44. Mesentery
  45. Root of mesentery
  46. Liver
  47. Porta hepatis
  48. Foramen of Winslow
  49. Omental bursa/lesser sac
  50. Greater sac
  51. Inferior recess
  52. Superior recess
  53. Splenorenal/lienorenal ligament
  54. Gastrolienal/gastrosplenic ligament
  55. Subphrenic recess
  56. Bare area of liver
  57. Coronary ligament
  58. Right triangular ligament
  59. Left triangular ligament
  60. Hepatorenal ligament
  61. Hepatorenal recess/pouch
  62. Right lateral paracolic gutter
  63. Left lateral paracolic gutter
  64. Gutter to the left of the mesentery
  65. Gutter to the right of the mesentery

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The Structural Basis of Medical Practice - Human Gross Anatomy
The College of Medicine of the The Pennsylvania State University
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